Country Cream Instant Milk Case (6 Pack)


Egg Free
Gluten Free
No Trans Fat
Nut Free
Soy Free

Our milk is unlike any other powdered milk available. It actually tastes like milk without a bad aftertaste. Its ingredients are nothing more than 100% milk with vitamins A & D added. Drink it straight from the glass or use it in place of regular milk for recipes and baking. For a cream-like consistency, mix one part powder to two parts water or mix to desired taste. The total weight per case of milk is 16.8 lbs (2.8 lbs each can).

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SKU: GC-DR6-005203 Categories: , Tags: , , , , Product ID: 3718


You could say that powdered instant milk isn’t what it used to be, and that’s a good thing! People used to make instant milk through a cooking process that never tasted quite right. We’ve since learned a far better process and the flavor and texture is perfect! We love it when people enjoy our products, people often say that our Country Cream brand milk is the best tasting powdered milk available and we couldn’t agree more! It is 100% real milk with vitamins A & D added and has a rich, fresh flavor. We package our bulk powdered milk in 6 #10 cans for up to a 10+ year shelf life. Also shop our other dairy and egg products!


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